- 32nd Workshop Cycles and Colourings - Poprad (Słowacja), 8-13.09.2024
- 9th Gdańsk Conference on Graph Theory, Gdańsk, 17-21.06.2024
- On various types of proper secondary dominating sets
- 28th Workshop 3in1, Dosłońce, 21-23.11.2019
- On (2-d)-kernels in generalized Petersen graphs
- European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications EUROCOMB 2019, Bratysława, Słowacja, 26-30.08.2019,
- IV Studencka Konferencja Koła Naukowego Matematyków Dyskretnych, Kraków, 30.05-01.06.2019
- 27th Workshop 3in1, Stryszawa, 21-24.11.2018
- The number of (2-d)-kernels in graph products
- 13th International School on Theoretical Physics: Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, Rzeszów, 10-15.09.2018
- 27th Workshop on Cycles and Colourings, Novy Smokovec, Słowacja, 02-07.09.2018
- Gdansk Summer School of Advanced Science on Algorithms for Discrete Optimization, Gdańsk, 05-12.07.2018,
- The 6th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory, Gdańsk, 01-04.07.2018,
- III Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna „Congressio-Mathematica”, Rzeszów, 2017,
- Poster: Interpretacje grafowe liczb typu Fibonacciego,
- II Studencka Konferencja Koła Naukowego Matematyków Dyskretnych - Kraków, 2017,
- The 25th Workshop '3in1' - Dosłońce, 2016,
- Some remarks about (2-d)-kernels in graphs,
- The 9th International Workshop On Graph Labeling - Kraków, 2016,
- 24th Workshop Cycles and Colourings - Nový Smokovec, Słowacja, 2015,
- (2-d)-kernels in graphs,
- The 23rd Workshop '3in1' - Kraków, 2014,
- Some classes of graphs with (2-d)-kernel.
- Seventh Cracow Conference on Graph Theory - Rytro, 2014,
- On the existence and the number of (2-d)-kernels in graphs,
- The Eleventh International School on Theoretical Physics Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - Rzeszów, 2014,
- LII Szkoła Matematyki Poglądowej - Białobrzegi, 2014.